Postpartum Shapewear: Corsets, Binders and Baby-Wearing

February 16, 2022
Postpartum Shapewear | Corsets, Binders, and Baby-Wearing | Every Mother

Postpartum Shapewear: Can it Benefit Me?

Is a support garment or corset right for me? What if I had my kids years ago?

First things first

Rehabilitating weak, overstretched and separated abdominal muscles to restore core strength and function requires very specific exercises. The daily core exercises and workouts of the EMbody Program™ are proven to resolve diastasis recti (separated abs) and improve core function in less than 12 weeks. The key to recovery is performing these profoundly beneficial exercises correctly and consistently, while also changing how you move, breathe and workout to avoid re-injury. Our Foundational videos cover those topics at length.

That said, an external postpartum shapewear support like a corset or support garment can be a valuable tool to speed up the recovery process. If your abdominal muscles have separated (click here for a self-check demo), a corset decreases strain on the overstretched connective tissue. By providing support to that tissue, a compressive garment can heighten the impact of therapeutic core exercises and you can see faster results.

Who can benefit from a corset or support garment?

Any person who has diastasis recti (separated abdominal muscles) can potentially benefit, even if you had your kids decades ago. However, if you are currently suffering from prolapse symptoms, it is probably not a healthy option for you at this time. Keep reading to learn more.

When should I wear it?

Ease your way in by starting with an hour or two at a time, gradually working up to 8-12 hours. Ultimately you will want to wear it as often as possible until you have fully closed your abdominal separation.

To avoid worsening an existing abdominal separation, wear a corset or support garment anytime you use a front-loading baby carrier that places the baby’s weight vertically along your midline.

Should I wear a corset or support garment while working out?

It is optional (and sweaty) to wear a support garment while performing light workouts. If you feel it helps you better engage your abs, go for it. If you find it more difficult to feel or engage your core while wearing the corset, skip it. Of course ensure you can breathe comfortably when exercising.

Precautionary notes:

Always draw your abs and your pelvic floor “up and in” when putting on a support garment. If it has hooks, fasten them from the bottom up.

If you feel any downward/bulging pressure on your pelvic floor at any time while wearing a compression garment, remove it immediately. Downward pressure on the pelvic floor is very unhealthy, and it could contribute to prolapse, pelvic weakness, incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. Do not attempt to wear a corset or support garment again until you have spent at least 2-3 weeks performing daily Core Compressions™ combined with Kegels to strengthen the deep core and pelvic floor. After a few weeks of consistently performing those exercises, you may tentatively try the corset or support garment again while paying close attention to your pelvic floor. If you feel any degree of pelvic pressure, set the corset or support garment aside until you have strengthened the pelvic floor to the degree that a compression garment exerts no downward pressure on your muscles or organs.

If you had a C-section, wait until the incision has healed and your doctor or midwife says it’s ok.

Do not rely on the corset or support garment as a crutch. No garment will do the work for you. Instead, it should serve as a physical reminder to maintain healthy posture, engage your core with every exertion, and help you maximize the healing power of your therapeutic core exercises.

What Postpartum Shapewear brands do you recommend?

We are thrilled to announce our new, very own EMbody Core Support! We designed this support garment to offer gentle, targeted compression with three layers of breathable fabric that feels great while accelerating core recovery.

Final word

Yes, a corset or support garment can help support diastasis recti resolution when incorporated as part of a comprehensive strategy that includes safe and effective core conditioning exercises, such as those that serve as the foundation of our EMbody programs.

By Leah Keller, Founder of the EMbody Program. Learn more about Leah here.