Words From Our Mothers Healing Diastasis Recti
"I've struggled with scoliosis since childhood, and 7 babies (one at a time) add to the wear and tear, but that 24° curvature remained steady throughout. Even 2 years ago it was still there. Around the mid 30s workout of Reclaim, I had X-rays updated and my spine is almost completely healed of that curvature! The chiropractor said the exercises I'm doing through EM contribute so much to spinal health and integrity and to keep it up! I joined for severe DR and am thrilled that belly AND back are both healing through this process, woohoo!"
"The lower back pain I've had since my sophomore year in high school is basically gone! I noticed a huge difference after day 5, and for the last 3 days have had virtually zero back pain of any sort....after roughly 20 years of constant dull pain (sometimes really bad pain). I've gone to the chiropractor for years, I've faithfully stretched my legs and back every morning and evening for years, I've tried anti-inflammatory diets, and even went to 2 different physical therapists over the past 4 years. Nothing has helped as much as 5 days of the Reclaim program."
"After 21 days I was able to reduce my gap by 1cm and lost TWO inches around my belly button area. I haven't fully closed my diastasis recti but this program WORKS. Looking forward to my future progress and hoping you all are excited as I am to have found this program."
"Great for forming positive habits for your core and restoring a postpartum body. I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time that I can truly get my body back!"
"I'm on Day 22! I do really think it's helping-my diastasis seems less deep and I feel way more connected to my core muscles!"
"It is so much harder to heal after a third baby. It has been an emotional journey for sure, and I hope to keep seeing progress! I have really enjoyed the Every Mother workouts. A little moment of zen during this crazy time!"
"I find this program so achievable even with two babes under 3. It's actually relaxing for me to just focus on my breathing through both the Compressions and the workouts. My belly button stuck out and was very odd looking ever since having my first born. I looked down in the shower tonight and couldn't believe it! My belly button is back in and looking almost like it did before falling pregnant! I'm so happy I found Every Mother."
"I just wanted to say, where has Every Mother been all my life? I've always worked on my fitness, have an advanced degree in public health, and am a practicing Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. I've had 3 children in 4 years and have worked really hard to get in shape and recover, and had the nutrition piece, but didn't know anything about DR, etc. Every Mother has breathed new life into my fitness goals and given me a gentle but effective way to care for myself. Thank you, Every Mother ❤️"
"I spent literally thousands of dollars of pelvic floor physical therapy but this app is what really made the difference. For $45 for a 3 month subscription this is honestly a steal. Best money I ever spent!"
"Reclaim 21 day check in! Very pleased with my progress thus far. DR has gone from 3.5 cm to 2 cm at belly button and I’ve lost two inches. Most importantly, I feel so much stronger! I am one of the rare cases of hypertonic pelvic floor but I did not notice any return of symptoms even with careful introduction of Kegels. So excited to keep going!"
"I had 3 kids in 2 yrs, one set of twins and I can really feel a difference in my body shape and DR reduction at 30d into Reclaim. I was sure when I found out I was having twins that they would wreck my body and it was hard but Reclaim is aptly named."
"EM workouts have been satisfying for me and have helped strengthen what I can. Better orgasms, no incontinence. Those are huge things!!!"
"I have found that Surpass is challenging and addictive and love it so much. I look forward to my workouts each day as opposed to it being a chore I have to get through."
"Aside from the belly results..I have definition in my arms and legs for the first time in years. And it's only been a month. Can't wait to find out what's next!"
"Absolutely loving the app. Beautiful and so simple to use. My favorite part is having the daily assignments, checking them off, and seeing the ‘Congrats’ box! It seems like a small thing, but for me it makes it feel like a game to not break my streak—and I freaking love games! "
"I have been using this method over a year now and I suffered from severe, like freaky severe, diastasis recti following the birth of my second baby. I can't recommend this enough."
"6 months postpartum I was told I had diastasis recti. I was crushed and even more upset when I found out that all of my Pilates and barre classes had made my condition worse. I was told only surgery would fix my diastasis recti. Within 2 months of diligently following the program I have almost 100% closed my abdominal gap. This is amazing."
"The thing that really drew me to this program was the fact that I will learn how to best protect my core all day long, not just during my workouts. It's all about taking a holistic approach to the issue and understanding that my core effects everything."
"The app has made it SO simple and motivating to do the core exercises every single day. It feels great to be able to check it off each day."
"I was so tired postpartum that I was worried about doing an exercise program and even once I started this I was worried about doing it everyday. The nice thing is that this program takes all of that into account! Some days are off with no workout whatsoever, other days the workouts are mostly stretching to help your body recover from everything it has been through. Perfect for mom's recovering body!"
"I wanted to share my experience today at my 6 week pp follow up with my ob/gyn. She checked my kegel strength and was floored at how strong it was. She said she hasn't had a patient with kegel strength like that for almost as long as she can remember. At that point she asked for the name of the program again and wrote it down. I was so proud!"
"I was leaking after giving birth for 5 months and my DR was three fingers and very deep and in six weeks by doing this three times a week I am back BABY and I feel stronger and the DR barely there. Thank you."
"Postpartum recovery feels like Humpty Dumpty. ? and EM feels like being put back together again!"
"Every Mother is part of my everyday hell or high water routine! You are saving my core, my life and my back! Thank you so much."
"I am 1 year PP, have DR, and an epic double (side by side) hernia (umbilical, born with them). I’m on day 19 of Reclaim and am so happy I found this program! I’m well aware that my hernias won’t be fixed from this but I finally have enough ab strength to hold my abs in, my DR is improving, and I look so much better."
"I finally signed up and started following the steps, and I can't believe the progress I'm making. Less back pain, no more leaking, and my belly is going back into place. This program could not be easier to follow. I highly recommend!"
"I don’t have much, if any, diastasis but the Core Compressions have been the BEST pain management tool I’ve found for my low back problems (bulging discs, excessive lordosis, arthritis, muscle imbalance). If I skip more than one day I realize very quickly exactly how much it’s helping—A LOT."
"I weigh less, feel stronger, run faster, and look healthier than I did before I was pregnant!"
"I'm slowly getting my confidence back as I feel my body getting stronger and my reflection looking better. It is the right kind of intensity and it doesn't take much time out of my busy schedule. Love love love!"
"I just went for a two mile run- with no urge to pee!! That’s kind of a funny milestone but it has previously been unachievable for me. I did light Core Compressions with every exhale. I have been wanting to get back into running so badly and now it finally seems possible again."
"I just wanted to share that I love the new videos and program set-up with videos each day to guide me. It really keeps me accountable and I’ve only missed two days since starting after Memorial Day. This is my second baby and I have a HUGE gap and an umbilical hernia, but I’m encouraged to keep up this workout to heal and possibly avoid surgery one day."
"I love the short, targeted, and challenging workouts. I can get a workout and Core Compressions in each day while still keeping up with my 6-month-old’s demanding schedule!"
"I have been doing the program for 9 months and before I started I just assumed I would live the rest of my life with back pain. But I’m pain-free now! You will be so happy you did this."
"The app is genius. It works like a charm. The exercises are low impact, but insanely effective. I already feel SO much stronger in my core. I have corrected my "weak/tiny" bladder issue (which was really just a weak pelvic floor), and have stopped having to deal with "pee sneezes"! I have more energy. I look forward to my daily workouts."
"When I started the program 2 years ago after having my 5th baby, my gap was large (4-5 fingers at belly button and 3 fingers wide above and below). By the end of 12 weeks of Core Compressions and the exercises my gap was down to 2 fingers at the belly button and 1 above and below. It took more time for mine to close than just 12 weeks, it was about 6 months, but it did close! Don’t get discouraged, the wider and deeper it is, the more time it takes. I enjoyed the exercises, so I’m still a member even though I closed my DR, and I’m careful not to reopen it. I like how I don’t have to try and modify exercises to be safe like when I try other classes or programs."
"I would absolutely recommend this approach to friends and would advise any woman who wants to tone up and lose inches to follow this program whether she has had children or not.”
"I discovered how to activate my core strength which is particularly important as I age. This practice allows my back strength and freedom. One of the many results is that I feel so much more energetic and happy.”
"5 years after my second child was born, I was finally able to get rid of my diastasis without surgery."
“I’m in better condition than I was at 25, because I pay more attention to working out; I am stronger than I was before; I like my post baby body more – I’ve learned to embrace how I look.”
"The program made me feel strong and in control of my body during a time when a mom-to-be can feel her body is out of her control.”
“I’m feeling stronger, healthier and smarter in the decisions I’m making. I had a plan the second time round.”
“The real benefit has been how Leah helped me to feel empowered by my pregnancy. She has helped me understand my body’s natural design and enhance its strengths.”
"The abdominal strengthening exercises not only improved my overall fitness, but they also helped me to strengthen my core, and prevent re-injury as I did things like lift my son from his crib."

What was your motivation for starting Every Mother?
After giving birth to four wonderful children, via c-section, my abdominal area was pretty much shot. Instead of feeling like a 35 year old mom of 4, I felt like I was close to 70. After baby number three, I had successfully repaired my severe DR using Every Mother (it was the Dia Method at that time) so I knew exactly what I needed to do to repair my core, end the daily pain in my back, and get back to feeling my age. Baby #4 presented a greater challenge with the way my body healed postpartum. My DR had widened to 10 CM and I was recommended by my primary and OB-GYN to have a tummy tuck procedure. However, after numerous surgeries, I could not stand the thought of another procedure. That’s what led me back to Every Mother Reclaim. Sticking to Reclaim (and 21 Day Challenge), I have had so much success in closing my DR. During my most recent visit with my pelvic floor specialist, I was excited to hear that my DR closed from 10 CM wide and deep to 5 CM!!! I am finally feeling my age and can enjoy having fun with my four lovelies without experiencing excruciating pain.
What are/were your goals?
My goal is to continue repairing my DR and enjoying living life with my family without the constant pain. I am also passionate about educating other women on identifying and repairing their DR and understanding the importance of gut health to the overall functioning of the body.
What are your tips for sticking with the program?
My tips for sticking with the program are blocking off time each day to prioritize YOU. Also, having someone who can support you during this journey is important. When I started EM, both times, I shared my goals with my husband–which was more about feeling good rather than looking good. He held me accountable and reminded me of how I wanted to feel. When I did not want to get up, he would wake me up and always cheer me on with a “belly back” or “tight tighter”.
What has been your favorite Every Mother moment?
I’ve had two! After my third child, I went months with people asking me if I was pregnant again. After closing my DR then, it felt great to hear “Wow, you look great!” Now that I am doing my second round of EM, it’s not about hearing the compliments, but feeling whole and healthy again. The other day, my pelvic floor specialist said the best words I’ve heard in a long time…”You don’t need surgery” and “Whatever you’ve been doing, keep doing it.” I’ll take those words over “You look great” any day. While I am still working to close my DR, it feels good to know that I am going in the right direction.
What advice do you give to other mothers trying to prepare for birth/resolve DR/meet new fitness goals? (please answer based on your current experience)?
This journey is not an easy one so it is important that you have a clear WHY to stick to and go after. When I started this journey, it was based on looking good and to avoid people asking me was I pregnant. However, when I was not seeing the results I wanted, in the amount of time I thought I should see them, it was easy to get discouraged and give up. When I shifted my why to overall health and wellness, feeling good was enough to get me out of bed and roll out my mat. Resolving a severe DR is a journey that requires time, patience, and commitment to your WHY. You can do it and you will do it. Believe in yourself and believe in the process.
What charity have you chosen for donation and why?
Black Mamas Matter Alliance. I would like to donate to this charity as a way to support efforts to provide quality prenatal and postpartum care to African American women and decrease the annual deaths of African American women who die from pregnancy-related complications.
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