Caroline Hecht
ReclaimWhat was your motivation for starting Every Mother?
Honestly, I started Every Mother in February of 2019 because of four weddings on my horizon this summer, two of which I am in, and I wanted to close my diastasis recti gap, feel confident in my body, and be in optimal health. I knew that Every Mother was the program to get me there, as I had had awesome results using the program during my pregnancy in 2017.
What are/were your goals?
When I started the Reclaim program in February, my goals were to lose 10 pounds, close my 2 1/2 finger gap, tone my muscles, be able to lift my growing baby safety and painlessly, and to feel great in my body. After three months I have succeeded in reaching these goals! I now aim at maintaining and even surpassing my current level of fitness.
What are your tips for sticking with the program?
My success has been contingent mainly on two things. One, my dedication to doing the workouts every day, often utilizing part of my son’s naps to focus and take care of my body. Two, my partner’s support in giving me the baby-free time to myself to get the workout in, even if it’s after a long day.
What has been your favorite Every Mother moment?
My favorite Every Mother moment happens every time I am intimate with my partner and am able to feel confident in my pelvic floor muscles and tone. And not having incontinence any more is pretty cool too!
What advice do you give to other mothers trying to prepare for birth/resolve DR/meet new fitness goals? (please answer based on your current experience)
To all the Mamas and Mamas-to-be out there I say this: prioritize your own well being. You are worth it, and the ones you love will reap the benefits of a happy and healthy you. You will take much better care of your loved ones if you have taken care of yourself first. Yes, first. Don’t wait for the time to arrive. It won’t. Make the time. And by nurturing your own well being you are setting one of the most important examples you can for your children.
What charity have you chosen for donation and why?
I have chosen that Every Mother’s donation in my name be given to the Association for the Children of Mozambique because the situation there is dire and they need all the help they can get.