Katie Johnson
ReclaimWhat was your motivation for starting Every Mother?
I regularly had people – from my closest friend to complete strangers – ask me if I was pregnant or when I was due (my youngest child was almost 2!). Then one day, my 4-year-old son took a photo of me on my phone, and I saw that I truly did look like I was 5 months pregnant. That photo really hit home for me, and I knew I was ready to do something different.
What are/were your goals?
My biggest goal when I began was to get rid of my belly! I didn’t want to look pregnant, and I wanted to wear and feel good in all of my clothes again. After completing Reclaim Light, I lost 4 inches off my belly, and my new, current goal is to increase my total-body strength.
What are your tips for sticking with the program?
Find a consistent time every day that you can do the program. I started out trying to fit it in whenever I could during my day, but I quickly realized that I needed to make it a priority and really commit to it. I started getting up before my kiddos every morning to work out, and that has not only given me physical benefits but huge mental and emotional benefits as I start my day feeling positive and strong! Also, taking progress pictures has been a big motivation for me to keep going. It is so encouraging to look back through my pictures and see how much I have progressed. All glory to God, and thanks to EM!
What has been your favorite Every Mother moment?
I started EM in the summer. About 2 weeks into the program, I was getting dressed to take my kiddos to the beach, and I looked down and thought I was imagining things. My stomach was noticeably flatter! That day, I actually wore a bathing suit to the beach instead of a shirt to hide my belly. It was such an amazing feeling!
What advice do you give to other mothers trying to prepare for birth/resolve DR/meet new fitness goals? (please answer based on your current experience)?
You can do it! Before starting EM, I had never worked out in my life. I had tried running for a little while in college, but I never went to the gym or did any kind of exercise. I have now been following my EM path for 5 months and am still going strong. I have done exercises and accomplished goals I never thought were possible for me! And I promise, it really is so easy! I started from nothing and have been able to follow my path and blow through my goals onto bigger ones. This program works and I am so grateful for it!
What charity have you chosen for donation and why?
Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Center provides physical, medical, and educational resources to individuals and families in my community. I taught ESL there for years and absolutely loved the relationships I built with my neighbor-students. Our Lady of Mercy is a hub in my community for meeting individual needs and valuing people for who they are, regardless of their life circumstances.