Melissa Brown
ReclaimWhat was your motivation for starting Every Mother?
After having a child, I really lost the relationship I had with myself which I’m sure a lot of other moms can relate to. I put myself on the back burner for everything, including my health and exercise. During my fleeting attempts to get back into shape, a belly that I never had prior to pregnancy always remained no matter the exercise or diets. It wasn’t until a little over a month ago that I googled “mommy pooch” and found out about diastasis recti and this program. I had nothing to lose (other than my seemingly 5-month pregnant looking belly) so I went for it.
What are/were your goals
My short term goals are to get back into a body I recognize! I want to feel confident and comfortable again, and I already do! Long term, I want to be the best version of me that I can be for myself AND my family. I want to set an example of good life and health habits for my son.
What are your tips for sticking with the program?
I set an alarm on my phone through the EM app so at 10am, whether it’s a good time or not, I’m reminded that I need to find at least 10 minutes to dedicate to working on me. Then I fit the additional workouts when I can.
What has been your favorite Every Mother moment?
My 21 day check-in was a big moment for me. When I did the first DR check and found that my middle separation was 3cm, I felt like it would never close or it would take months to years. I just felt defeated. So finding out that I’d gone from 3cm to 1.5cm in three weeks along with an almost 3″ reduction in my waistline brought me to tears. I never thought I’d ever see my pre-baby stomach again, but it has already started to make an appearance!
What advice do you give to other mothers trying to prepare for birth/resolve DR/meet new fitness goals? (please answer based on your current experience)
It’s really easy to ignore your needs when life gets busy and you’re trying to prioritize everything that has to fit into your day. Just remember that in order to be your best for everyone else, you have to take time for yourself. Taking 30 minutes a day to focus on your health is something you won’t regret, especially with this program. It’s important to remember also that this isn’t simply about looks or losing weight, it’s about improving the structural integrity of the body which we’ll all need in the years to come as we navigate Motherhood!
What charity have you chosen for donation and why?
I’ve chosen the nonprofit of Hand to Hold which is a group that helps support families before, during, and after a stay in the Neonatal ICU as well as bereavement services. As a former NICU parent turned NICU nurse, I’ve seen the struggle from both sides. It’s a scary journey and having someone support you who has been there before is an invaluable resource.